How many times should a school have to make an notification for violence in school? ? // hur många gånger skall en kränknings anmälan behöva göras aven skola? ?
Vad skall vi göra när ett barn går på ett annat barn i skolan? ? Barnet blir påhoppat gör inget mot det andra barnet! ! Snarare försöker han inte att störa! Just detta barn! ! Skolan har gjort en anmälan återigen om kränkning! ! Nu Undrar jag hur många gånger skall det behöva göras en anmälan? ? Skolan gör allt de kan enligt, lagar, paragrafer och regler! ! Sen då? ? Jag har åsikten om att alla barn kan ändras om de får lära tillräckligt med kärlek, omtanke och stöd! Vad är det som händer om det inte går bra för ett barn att vara ute i det sociala livet? Vad skall hända för att bryta den onda cirkeln? ? Vi vill att det skall hända något! ! Det behöver uppmärksammas! ! Vår ängel tar det väl nu iallafall! ! Hoppas vi och att han inte går och håller sin rädsla och besvikelse i sig själv? ? Vi måste vara vaksamma.
Alla vi vuxna vi måste göra det som gör Våra barn starka och trygga i sig själva! !
Så enkelt.
What should we do when a child attacks another child in school and ? The child that becomes attacked do nothing against the second child ! ! Rather , he tries not to interfere ! With this child ! ! The school has made a notification again on the violation ! ! Now I wonder how many times it should be necessary to make a complaint? ? The school is doing everything they can in accordance with , the laws , statutes and rules ! ! Then what? ? I have the mind that all children can be changed if they have enough love care and support! What happens if it does not go well for a child to be out in the social life ? What should happen to break the vicious circle ? ? We want something to happen! ! It needs attention ! ! Our angel takes it well now anyway ! ! We hope and that he does not go and keeps his fear and disappointment in himself? ? We must be vigilant .
All we adults we have to do what it takes to make our kids strong and confident in themselves ! !
Alla vi vuxna vi måste göra det som gör Våra barn starka och trygga i sig själva! !
Så enkelt.
What should we do when a child attacks another child in school and ? The child that becomes attacked do nothing against the second child ! ! Rather , he tries not to interfere ! With this child ! ! The school has made a notification again on the violation ! ! Now I wonder how many times it should be necessary to make a complaint? ? The school is doing everything they can in accordance with , the laws , statutes and rules ! ! Then what? ? I have the mind that all children can be changed if they have enough love care and support! What happens if it does not go well for a child to be out in the social life ? What should happen to break the vicious circle ? ? We want something to happen! ! It needs attention ! ! Our angel takes it well now anyway ! ! We hope and that he does not go and keeps his fear and disappointment in himself? ? We must be vigilant .
All we adults we have to do what it takes to make our kids strong and confident in themselves ! !
So simple! !