Oengagerad lärare? eller bara trött tant? hur det en är så är det lätt att sänka ett barns trygghet till nästan noll på skolan :( / Unengaged teacher? or just tired lady? how it is, sadly it is easy to lower a child's safety to almost zero at the school
Our one son has had a tough time since the beginning of school, still struggling but now we know why and how we can help him, atleast with a large piece and understand him. I am so grateful that we can do he's schooling and leisure time a little easier. suspect in the early school age to that it was very difficult for him to keep up! got no understanding then. But we got a lot of criticism that we did wrong at home !!! Do you really read with him at home really ?? he sleeps in time? yes, he said he did sleep very late and wake up at night and watch TV ???? it was what his schoolteacher sad to me !! WHAT !!! What is she talking about ?? I wonder, He sleeps in time at home sleeping probably best of all! but understood when he was ill with a fever at home and slept all day in a few days he became very alert when he was recovering late in the evening :) well then he was up late :) felt like he wanted to take back what he missed while he was lying in fever :) I become giggly when I hear such silly things! but honestly it becomes very offensive when adults go on to doing wrong to their children and do not behave !! it take the giggles out very absurbt! this teacher has actually offended my child with her way she has treated him! she has been saying "if you can not, you should have learned! I myself was scared early when the little one was sitting at home and would read. He did not read !! but beloved friend read I nagged !! he was watching WITH fear and sadness at me and said: MOM I do not see what it says! I knew then that something was wrong! told the school and they went on that we read too little at home! Having been told since zero when they start school until the fourth grade that he could only 16 LETTERS WHEN HE STARTED SCHOOL ???
I was just wondering what was wrong with that? end of grade four his teachers say that they have to find something about his learning? that he would not meet the goals in the sixth grade if it woill continue as it was !! But do something THEN !! why do you do nothing? The test was not done with a special education but 2. Our beloved son has quite a difficult dyslexia. All the years he has been told that he is doing too little to learn! all the years he has been told that he should be nowing this NOW! all the years he has received punishment and bark because he missbehave in class! BUT HE DID NOT KNOW HOW HE WILL FURTHER THE DATA! beloved children what this must be traumatic for you! my heart bleeds! for you.
Dyslexia, he has not the right perception of time! He can not get 5 exhortations to follow! the first four eventually goes away! how many days he has not wanted to go to school, how many times has he been like a question mark and say I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! how many times has he been crying and not had what must be completed for handicrafts. how many times has he come home with samples when he has 4 correct out of 20, ALL THE DISAPPOINTMENT! :( Have cried for that boy many times! Now we struggle for him to get the right help. Go in fifth grade, he does, yes I could write how many sheets whatsoever on how it has been and how it is. It is not easy to get the help that request even at school, you see a big difference from person to person with understanding. Do not think I keep quiet! I'm talking and nagging and trying the best way to gain understanding. BELOOVED CHILDR MAY YOU HANDLE LIFE WELL, you are so clever in so much , YOU WILL BE A REAL FIGHTER! IT'S YOU ALREADY NOW! HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL ABOUT THESE YEARS. THIS IS JUST FOREWORDS