Which color should I have on the lips?? // vilken färg skall jag ha på läpparna?
Idag så var de på mig igen på jobbet! ! Min ena kollega säger att hon hatar mitt läppstift i den färgen! ! Jag provoserar henne att bli arg :) haha! Jag ser ut som ett spöke säger hon! På kaffe pausen forsatte mobbingen! ! Grekiska ekonomin " genialt " jag som inte har mycket att göra på jobbet? ? När fika rasten bar slut så kom min chef med en servett och torkade av mitt läppstift! ! Så imorgon skall jag ha på mig min rosa peruk! ! Och svart läppstift tänker jag! ! Imorgon måste jag göra detta! Punkt slut :) inga diskussioner! ! Undra vad dom säger då? ? Ja då har de något att prata om åtminstone :) haha men jag tror jag tar med allt och sätter på mig där :) behöver inte reta upp någon innan :) men nu skall jag faktiskt se om jag har något i lätt rosa att klä läpparna med :) ja det ska jag :)
Today they were on me again at work! ! My one colleague says she hates my lipstick in color! ! I provoking her to get mad :) haha! I look like a ghost she says ! At the coffee break bullying continues ! ! Greek economy " genius "! ! You are Greek. that I do not have much to do at work ? ? When the coffee break was over my boss with a napkin and wiped my lipstick off and huge me ! ! So tomorrow I will be wearing my pink wig ! ! And black lipstick , I think ! ! Tomorrow I have to do this! Point out :) no discussions ! ! Wonder what they say then? ? Well then , they have something to talk about at least :) haha but I think I'll take everything and put it on there at work:) do not antagonize anyone before :) but now I actually see if I have anything in light pink to color my lips with :) yes I will :)
Today they were on me again at work! ! My one colleague says she hates my lipstick in color! ! I provoking her to get mad :) haha! I look like a ghost she says ! At the coffee break bullying continues ! ! Greek economy " genius "! ! You are Greek. that I do not have much to do at work ? ? When the coffee break was over my boss with a napkin and wiped my lipstick off and huge me ! ! So tomorrow I will be wearing my pink wig ! ! And black lipstick , I think ! ! Tomorrow I have to do this! Point out :) no discussions ! ! Wonder what they say then? ? Well then , they have something to talk about at least :) haha but I think I'll take everything and put it on there at work:) do not antagonize anyone before :) but now I actually see if I have anything in light pink to color my lips with :) yes I will :)
Little pink :)

But I think this looks good to ?? ;)