No socks in our house and empty brain :) // inga strumpor i vårt hus och tomt huvud :)
Godmorgon :) vad skall jag tänka på idag? Ibland bara är det bara tomt uppe i hjärnkontoret!! Hmm? det i och för sig politik pratas det om på tv :) haaa hur skall vi förvandla politiken till var och ens bästa? ? Vi har det bra i Sverige det kan vi säga! ! Det tråkiga är att generationen som nu är mellan 20 och 30 tyvärr kanske inte fått en rättvis platå att starta ett riktigt vuxenliv med all dess ansvar som bör vara! ! Det är inte lätt! ! Undra om vi har alldeles för höga krav på allt!! En vardag i stress! ! Ååå tänker på våra tonåringar! ! Hur skall det se ut för dem? ? Alldeles för mycket stress nu! ! Hur skall det bara om 10 år!? Jaha nu fick jag något att ha huvudbry för iallafall! ! Kan inget annat en att återigen säga GODMORGON :) Dagens fråga MAMMA HAR VI INGA STRUMPOR I DETTA HUS? ? Hahaha ja tänk vi kanske inte har det? ? Jag vet att dammsugaren har ätit upp vissa iallafall :)
Good morning :) ask my self what should I think about today? Sometimes it only lan empty space in the brain office !! Hmm ? it in itself tTV talk about politics :) haaa how can we transform politics into each one's best ? ? We have it good in Sweden we can say! ! The sad thing is that the generation who are now between 20 and 30 , unfortunately, may not have received a fair platform to start a real adult life with all its responsibilities should be! ! It's not easy! ! Wonder if we have too high demands on everything !! families of stress! ! I think of our teenagers ! ! How will it look like for them? ? Too much stress now ! ! How will it be only in 10 years !? Well now I got something to have headaches for atleast ! ! Can not say anythinh again then Good morning :) Today's issue MOM WE HAVE NO SOCKS IN THIS HOUSE ? ? Hahaha yes think we may not have it? ? I know that the vaccum cleaner has eaten some anyway :)
Let's have a nice day in any case of matter :)
Good morning :) ask my self what should I think about today? Sometimes it only lan empty space in the brain office !! Hmm ? it in itself tTV talk about politics :) haaa how can we transform politics into each one's best ? ? We have it good in Sweden we can say! ! The sad thing is that the generation who are now between 20 and 30 , unfortunately, may not have received a fair platform to start a real adult life with all its responsibilities should be! ! It's not easy! ! Wonder if we have too high demands on everything !! families of stress! ! I think of our teenagers ! ! How will it look like for them? ? Too much stress now ! ! How will it be only in 10 years !? Well now I got something to have headaches for atleast ! ! Can not say anythinh again then Good morning :) Today's issue MOM WE HAVE NO SOCKS IN THIS HOUSE ? ? Hahaha yes think we may not have it? ? I know that the vaccum cleaner has eaten some anyway :)
Let's have a nice day in any case of matter :)